Libre Office is a package of office applications (office) that is free, free to download, use and distribute. LibreOffice is ideal for use by individuals and small companies.
LibreOffice application can be installed on windows, mac, and Linux devices. LibreOffice can also be installed on android devices, but only libre office viewer.
Why choose LibreOffice? because LibreOffice has several advantages, including:
1. Free software
2. Has the same features and functions as Microsoft Office
3. Supports 116 languages
4. Can be used on older versions of computers with mediocre specifications
5. Views that can be changed like windows
Every system is not perfect, nor is the LibreOffice application, it has drawbacks. including:
1. Not support for online editings such as in Office 365 or Google Doc
2. LibreOffice calc and Impress features are less complete than MS. Excel and PowerPOint
The components contained in LibreOffice are:
Writer: A word processor with almost the same functionality and file support for Microsoft Word or WordPerfect.
Calc: A worksheet similar to Microsoft Excel
Impress: A presentation application similar to Microsoft PowerPoint. The presentation can be exported as an SWF file, which allows it to be viewed on a computer with Adobe Flash installed.
Draw: A vector graphics editor and diagramming tool similar to Microsoft Visio and comparable in features to early versions of CorelDRAW. LibreOffice Draw also has features that are similar to desktop publishing software such as Scribus and Microsoft Publisher.
Math: An application designed to create and edit mathematical formulas. This program uses a variant of XML to create formulas as defined in the OpenDocument specification. These formulas can also be attached to other documents in the LibreOffice application package (such as those created in Writer or Calc) by inserting them into the document.
Base: A relational database application similar to Microsoft Access. LibreOffice Base allows the creation and setup of databases, a compilation of forms and reports for easy access to data by end-users. Just like Access, Base can be used as a small embedded database, stored in document files (using Java-based HSQLDB as the storage engine), and for heavier tasks, it can also be used as a front-end for various systems. databases, including Access databases (JET), ODBC / JDBC data sources, and MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, or Microsoft Access.
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